Doug Dahnke
Farm Name:
North Pole Stables
Please describe yourself and what you do outside of the reindeer industry.
As of December 31, 2017 I am a retired Environmental Specialist from Eli Pharmaceutics. I now spend time working on our Christmas Tree Farm and enjoying our grandchildren. I also volunteer on several boards in my county.
Please describe your reindeer operation. (How long have you been raising reindeer? Where is your farm located? What are your primary markets? Etc.)
Yvonne and I bought our first reindeer in July 2018. We are located in East/Central Illinois on Interstate 70 by Terre Haute, Indiana. We use our reindeer as a attraction to our tree farm as well as perform “Flight School” for field trips and area communities. We also do displays and events throughout the year.
Describe any roles you have served on for your state and/or national association. (Committee member, officer, etc.)
Boards served on: Martinsville School Board – 20 years; Eastern Illinois Special Education Boards – 20 years; Trustee on Martinsville Bible Church -0 12 years.
My work experience at Eli Lilly allowed me to be liaison for the corporation with EPA, FDA, USDA, and many regulatory agencies. I met with and negotiated our corporate operating permits with EPA and FDA as well as negotiating feed and additive guidelines with the USDA for our animal feed program.