About ROBA

ROBA mission is to promote a greater association among people who raise and own reindeer for hobby and/or commercial purposes.

ROBA is dedicated to the promotion of reindeer farming as an agricultural pursuit and serves its members through its website, conferences, and publications to provide leadership in maintaining quality standards.

ROBA stands for Reindeer Owners and Breeders Association.

ROBA Regions

Purpose and Goals


To engage in the education, research, conservation and advancement of public awareness of reindeer.


To record, certify, register, and keep pedigrees.


To maintain performance and other records as may be of interest to the membership or requested by the board of directors.


To keep a breeders directory and to provide interested people with information about reindeer and their products.


To promote interest in the reindeer whenever possible in order to attract new breeders for the conservation and well being of the breed.


To help educate and develop those skills required to enhance the abilities of the members to raise and tend their herds.

Get In Touch

Reindeer Owners And Breeders Association


406 Main Street  PO Box 134 Luxemberg, WI 54217
(920) 639-3420